I’m on Twitter a lot, and that’s because I’ve curated my follow list to be three things: fun, informative, and nice. So my Twitter feed is generally a good place to hang out. Sometimes I catch glimpses of the nasty side of Twitter, which many users complain about, but the accounts I love most rarely engage in the ugliness typically associated with the site. Also, my account is private and I never comment or quote tweet anything. That protects me from trolls and unwanted attention. Anyway, here’s the list of the best accounts on Twitter (in my opinion)!
Writer, poet, and fellow Sagittarius who happens to be the best chaotic tweeter around. His voracious appetite for media means he’s always tweeting about a new show or article, he amplifies just the right amount of drama, and he manages to do all of it from Columbus, OH of all places.
Journalist and Substack author who publishes deeply researched pieces on thought systems or institutions that need to be brought down a peg, such as fatphobia, MLMs, and travel sports teams. She also posts amazing photos from around her home, which is close to some great landscapes and surrounded by her lovingly tended potted plants.
Writer for GQ and The New Yorker who helps broaden my understanding of masculinity and New York Jewish culture. He publishes and retweets the best stuff (he’s the one who pushed the Hilma Wolitzer story from last issue into my feed), and his perspective is one I wouldn’t usually gravitate towards which makes it all the better.
Author and writer who has a fantastic radar for what’s fun and/or important. She tweets about her and other authors’ works, issues she cares about, and little tidbits from her life. All of her tweets exude her warm spirit and I love following her because I never know what she’ll post but I know I’ll always like it.
Author and writer who is currently responding in Slate’s advice column. A Korean trans-racial adoptee and parent to a disabled child, she has some amazing perspectives on parenthood, abledness, and her experience as an Asian-American from the predominantly white Pacific Northwest. I love when she shares her Slate advice columns, her carefully considered stances when issues flare up in her communities, and pictures of her big dog.
Writer and author whose Twitter presence befuddled me for a while—he’s very obtuse and speaks almost in code about some of the things he likes, such as tennis and modern art—but when he shares stories he’s written or elevates stories by others, oh I am so grateful for it. He brings an outsider perspective to the writing world and it’s fun. Also I’m starting to learn his way of tweeting and it makes me feel smart.
Staff writer for The New Yorker where she covers fashion/culture/style. She hosts Perfume Genie threads sometimes where she solicits descriptive phrases (“Paris on a sunny afternoon,” for example) and recommends a matching perfume. Her feed is where I found the Luckyscent site, and where I consistently find a great article or vintage shopping inspiration.
Another staff writer for The New Yorker who writes about food but tweets about all sorts of stuff. She rose to Internet fame for blow drying her chicken before roasting it to get a crispy skin (hey, whatever works) and receives a lot of love for her versatile Roberto soup recipe. I love following her for her insights into food culture and her general cultural criticism as well.
Writer for The Undefeated and frequent podcast guest, I only recently started following Soraya and am so glad I did. She’s undergoing treatment for cancer right now, and besides her tweets on culture, her feed gives her followers a view into what it’s like to go through rigorous treatment for a terrible disease. I appreciate her writings and her openness so much.
Some honorable mentions: @lindaholmes, @joshgondelman, @jduffyrice, and @jbouie. Not to mention the entertainment accounts I follow, like @PoorlyAgedStuff and @dog_rates.
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